I’ve been “creative” since I was a kid. When I got to the point where you decide what you’re “doing with your life”, web design seemed like a good path. I enjoy tinkering with things and back then (2003) that’s pretty much what it was. Tinkering with HTML and fudging with CSS in Notepad. Seeing what we could build (and break).

Years later, I’m still tinkering. I enjoy figuring it out, collaborating with team members, making mistakes, communicating over various channels (#remotelife), poking holes and helping people out. I care about design systems, but am still learning what that means. I care about good experiences, I know what that means.

I also enjoy unplugging and doing things with my hands. Like basket weaving, embroidering things, playing with clay, bookbinding with whatever supplies I have on-hand and improving. my rudimentary drawing skills.

Contact me, let’s work on something fun!
