Illustrations for Spiceworks’ Pillars
Goal: Create 4 illustrations that represent each of the 4 pillars of Spiceworks.
Initial concepts
The four pillars of Spiceworks were: Learn, Tools, Community and Product Reviews. I sketched out a few ideas for imagery and started blocking out some concepts for each one. I presented the concepts to the team and stakeholders and received generally positive feedback.
Layering in color
Pulling from the brand color palette, I started to added color giving each pillar it’s own monochromatic palette.
Final illustrations
After a few rounds of feedback with team members and stakeholders, the final illustrations had a bit more detail and depth.
Usage across Spiceworks homepage
Expanded illustration for Spiceworks Tools landing page
Sticker sheets for Community Managers to hand out during SpiceWorld 2017
Expanded illustration for Spiceworks Learn landing page
While piecing together each illustration I built out various objects and collected from other projects for potential use.
Alternative illustration style and Color-ways
While working on the sticker sheet using these illustrations, I explored some alternative styles of people and color-ways that incorporated colors from the new Spiceworks branding kit. It was a fun exercise to see how I could stretch my illustration skills.
Ultimately, while many team members liked these alternatives, it was decided that they deviated too much from where the current illustration style and branding was to use at such a large event.